Adriane Nicolaisen

I have been making textiles all my life. I have been a weaver, a seamstress, a knitter and now my focus is wet felting. For some decades I wove fabrics and made apparel which I sold through craft shows and boutiques. It was rewarding to see my garments being worn by women who loved them. I still weave occasionally but lately I have been drawn to the freedom of making felted objects. Felting is such a plastic medium. I usually begin with an idea, an intention, to realize some specific goal and somewhere in the middle of the process, the felt begins to take on a life of its own.

I still find myself creating pieces that relate to women and what they wear. I see my pieces as characters whose stories are told through their dress. I have spent many years researching ethnic textiles and designs and I travel frequently for the purpose of seeing art, design and textiles first hand.


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