Homage to the Fringe; Artist Chairs, Ironing and Mending

April 13, 2019
Red Chair by Carolyn King
California Golden Bear Time Machine
by Miriam Davis

This year in the gallery’s Fringe show, an annual event sparked by the Edinburgh Festival Fringe (often referred to as simply The Fringe) which originated in 1947. It is the world’s largest arts festival, which in 2018 spanned 25 days and featured more than 55,000 performances of 3,548 different shows in over 300 venues. Partners Gallery is featuring a collection of unusual and ingenious chairs handmade or embellished by gallery members, including a Time Machine chair, collaged and painted children’s Adirondack chairs, a needle felted miniature chair with goose and a Temporary Tyrant Tiny Throne.  We will have an ongoing silent auction for the chairs which will end at 6:30 during our May 3rd reception. Partners Gallery is committed to hosting invitational and juried exhibitions from and for the community. The auction supports this effort.

Domestic art meets fine art – a provocative intersection of Fringe and the invisible labor made visible – when artists from Partners once again set up their ironing boards and do their ironing and mending.  Visitors are invited to bring their ironing and mending, or just come to sit and visit and talk about their experiences and how to iron a shirt and whether ironing is a meditation or a chore.

Ironing and Mending schedule:

Wednesday April 10, 2-4 Ironing and Mending

Saturday April 13, 2-4 Ironing and Mending

Wednesday April 24, 2-4 Ironing

Saturday April 27, 2-4 Ironing

Appalachian Chairs by Mina Cohen
Mina Cohen
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